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Create introductory offers for new clients

Clovo makes it possible to offer introductory offers to new clients. Introductory offers are a great way of bringing new clients in either without offering a free short term trial or as a next step following a free trial.

In Clovo, an introductory offer is an option set on a credit pack.

To create an introductory offer, first login to Clovo Studio then:

  1. Go to ‘Packs’ under the ‘Services’ section of the navigation sidebar
  2. Click ‘Add Pack’ and fill in the details of your offer on the screen that appears
  3. Toggle the ‘One Time Purchase’ switch to on
  4. Toggle the ‘Special Offer’ switch to on

You’re done! You’ve just created an introductory offer that can only be purchased once and will be displayed prominently in your client apps.

Track the usage of memberships and packs

Your clients are always able to see the current usage and upcoming expiry of their memberships, credit packs, and trials. But as a business owner you might want to track your clients usage yourself for various reasons.

To view a users current Credit Pack usage, login to Clovo Studio and then:

  1. Find the client in the Clients screen and tap into their profile
  2. From the ‘Plans’ tab, choose the credit pack you are interested in

Now you can see the current usage of the pack.

Extend the expiry of a purchased credit pack

When credit packs are purchased by a client they have an expiry date that is set when your first create the pack plan and starts from the moment of purchase.

For example, if you have a credit pack plan ‘Studio 10 Pack’ with a 90 day expiry, if the user purchases the pack on the first of January 2024, the pack will expire on the 1st of April 2024.

Sometimes however, life happens, and your client for reasons you deem reasonable, was unable to use their pack. At your discretion, you are able to extend the expiry date of the credit pack.

From Clovo Studio, login with your staff account and then:

  1. Find the client in the ‘Clients’ screen
  2. Choose the pack from the ‘Plans’ tab
  3. Click the ‘Extend’ button
  4. Choose a new expiry date and click the confirm button

Done! The credit pack will now expire on the date you chose.

Cancelling a client’s membership subscription

Cancelling as a Client

Your clients can easily cancel their membership from within the Clovo app at any time. When this happens, the membership will remain active until the end of the current billing period and no longer renew.

When a client cancels their membership in the application you will receive a notification according to your notification preferences and the membership will show as ‘Active, won’t renew’ in Clovo.

Cancelling as Studio Admin

Sometimes you will need to cancel a client’s membership yourself:

Cancel from Clovo Studio

To cancel from Clovo Studio, login with your staff account and then:

  1. Find the Client whose membership needs cancelling
  2. From the client’s profile screen, find the membership under the ‘Plans’ tab
  3. Click ‘Cancel’
  4. Confirm the cancellation on the screen that appears

That’s it, your clients membership will be cancelled at the end of their current billing period.

Schedules in Clovo

Schedules are created in Clovo Studio and represent the typical week of class offerings at your studio.

When you create a schedule, you create a set of classes offered at a time on a day. For example, you might have a Beginner Reformer Pilates class every Monday at 4pm and Advanced Reformer Pilates classes at 6am every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Clovo takes your schedule combined with the ‘scheduled days ahead’ setting for your studio (defaults to 14 days) and generates a series of ‘openings’ for your classes.

Openings can be booked by your clients according to the capacity of the class and the allowances on their membership.

Clovo will create new openings using your schedule every single day so that you always have exactly the number of ‘scheduled days ahead’ that you specify, for example, 14.

Start accepting payment with Stripe

With Clovo, you own and control your own Stripe account. Leaving you in full control of your payments and payouts.

Shortly after signing up to Clovo, we’ll review and approve your account for payment integration. Once you’ve been approved we’ll then step you through the process of onboarding a standard Stripe account from within Clovo Studio.

When you onboard with Stripe through Clovo, we pre-fill some of your basic account information, and Stripe will ask you for more of the sensitive stuff like bank details and business structure.

The entire process from start to finish will take around 30 – 45 minutes, by the end of which, you’ll be able to start accepting payments through the apps.

Before starting the Stripe onboarding process we recommend having details such as ABN and bank account details handy.

To get started:

  1. Login to Clovo Studio
  2. From the sidebar navigation, select ‘Settings’ or click this link
  3. Under the ‘General’ tab you’ll see the ‘Stripe’ section, tap the ‘Onboard with Stripe’ button
  4. You’ll be taken to Stripe to setup your standard Stripe account with them
  5. When you’re done setting up your Stripe account you’ll be directed back to Clovo

That’s it – you’re done. You can now instruct your clients to start purchasing your services through your apps.

Changing class schedules with existing openings

Once you’ve setup your schedule and set your ‘schedule days ahead’ setting in Clovo Studio, Clovo will continuously open classes for booking according to that schedule and the number of days ahead you have specified.

For example, if you have a Beginner Reformer Pilates class every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 6am and you’ve kept your ‘schedule days ahead’ setting at the default of 14 days, Clovo will make sure that there is an opening for each of those days at 6am available for your clients to book 14 days ahead from the current day.

You can change your schedule at any time by editing it in Clovo Studio. If you’re adding new class times then there’s nothing else to do. However if you are changing or removing existing classes, because there will be openings that have already been created in the future, you will need to decide what to do with them.

1. Do nothing

The original openings will stay in place, but won’t be regenerated if you removed them from the schedule, or will be generated on a new date and time if you changed them. For most studios this will likely be the ideal course of action as it will require no booking cancellations and will give you enough time to communicate the upcoming schedule change to your clients.

2. Cancel the existing openings

If you no longer wish to service the openings you’ve already generated, then simply cancel each of those openings in Clovo Studio.

To cancel the existing openings

  1. Go to the ‘Upcoming Classes’ screen
  2. Find the openings that correspond to the schedule change you’ve made
  3. Click into the opening
  4. Click ‘Cancel’
  5. Click ‘Confirm’ on the confirmation screen that shows. If there are existing bookings, your clients will be notified of the cancellation and their credit pack or membership will be credited accordingly.